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原発事故 田邉康雄のリスクマネジメントISO31000(9)

Mr. J. Cirincione チリンチオーネ氏の話をつづけます。
The present situation is very, very serious. This is an unprecedented situation. He talked about multiple melt-down in the Middle East. But here, in the Northern shore of Japan, this is an unprecedented situation of 6 nuclear reactors lined up in a row at northern coast of Japan. Here, multiple melt-down means Nuclear Dominos. Any one of these                  Any one of these will be considered a serious situation, then, all of them will fell in a critical condition at the same time, making this a uniquely challenging situation.

We have possibility of three the reactors 1, 2, 3 of melt-down, or at least partial melt-downs are already under way in the cores. And fourth reactor, the core was taken out of and put in the fuel pond, And they are jammed in with other fuel a possibility that that could also melt and catch fire. And you have these high radiation levels spiking up and spiking down, leading to a situation that worse. Frankly, no one knows how it ends.



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