原発事故 田邉康雄のリスクマネジメントISO31000(11)
米国原子力の専門家、Mr. J. Cirincione チリンチオーネ氏の話を、さらにつづけます。
And the real danger is what we have been seeing today. The possibility of high levels of radiation whether it is going to be 10,000,000 times or just 1,000 times which is what the radiation from the other reactor was. That could cause evacuation of workers
本当の危険は今日までに見たとおりです。今高い放射能が検出されつつありますが、今後さらに高い放射能が発生すると、例えば10,000,000 倍などの値がでると、オペレーターを含む従業員の避難が必要となります。
If it gets to be a wide scale evacuation, that means no body to manipulate pumps, no body to run the control rooms. That means the water levels drop in the pools and reactor cores. And that can lead to full melting downs and possible breach of containment walls.