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HOME > 経営コンサルタント > 有限会社 田辺コンサルタント・グループ > ブログ > ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -4  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(4 )。

ROK Government gave T. Ariga, my uncle, 'East Tower Industry Prize'for his contribution to POSCO. -4  韓国政府が有賀敏彦(私の叔父)のポスコ協力に対して東塔産業勲章を授与(4 )。

前ブログ(3)からつづきます。Continued from the previous blog.

Mitsutoyo Ariga, who was given the Industry Prize of ROK, was the president of Industrial Bank of Korea. He passed the examination of 'Higher Civil l Service Bar Examination', and got engaged in the Finance Ministry of Japan. He voluntarily went to Korea and joined in Japanese Government in Korea.


In 1920, M. Ariga retired from the Japanese Government in Korea, and joined in Korea Shokusan Bank, presently of Korea Industry Bank, and soon he became president of the bank. Mr. M. Ariga did not segregate any Korean employees from Japanese. Such being the case, many excellent Koreans entered into the bank, which became a big 'treasure house' of excellent Korean. After Korea got independence from Japan, caused by the end of World War II, those excellent Korean were the core personnel for Korea to lead ROK to become a good independent country It is said that, as for the Reconstruction Committee of Korea, 12 members out of 20 were the people who had worked for the Korea Shokusan Bank.

次のブログにつづきます。Continued to the next blog.


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