原発事故 田邉康雄のリスクマネジメントISO31000(16)
米国原子力の専門家、Mr. J. Cirincione チリンチオーネ氏が日本の原子力産業は復活しないといっています。
But it is absolutely immediately the farmers and people in that 20 km radius around the facilities whether they can return to their homes, again, is very doubtful. But you also have the nuclear power industry. Japan depends for over 30% of its electricity on nuclear power. This is a blow that, frankly, I don't think nuclear power industry in Japan can recover from. It may cripple nuclear power construction around the world Cherunobyl and Three mile Island did. So that is the ripple effect that I would be looking from this crisis.
Interviewer インタビューワー
Joseph, thank you so much for your expertise.
My pleasure. Thank you for having me on.